
Dobler Fire Training Calendar

Dobler Fire, Rescue, & EMS training calendar. Dobler Fire Training

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Free Smoke Detector Program

In need of a smoke detector?
Smoke Detector Program

Welcome to the A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Co.


The A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Co. consists strictly of volunteers who are always ready to commit their time and life to help both Girard and the surrounding communities. Dobler Hose is located within the Borough of Girard in Erie County, Pennsylvania. We serve not only the borough, but a large portion of Girard Township and its surrounding areas for mutual aid when needed. The A.F. Dobler Hose and Ladder Co. specializes in an extensive range of emergency situations including, but not limited to fires, vehicle accidents, emergency medical services, technical rescue, and much more. Our mission is to protect both the lives and property of those in and around our community!

On Sunday, December 9th 2018 the members of A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Company held the elections of the 2019 Line and Business Officers. Elected offices will take place on Tuesday, January 1st, 2019. 

2019 Line Officers:

Chief 540: Branden Schultz

Deputy Chief 541: Alan Watkins 

Assistant Chief 550: Jeff Gadley

Captain 551: Rick Meyer

1st Lieutenant: Brian James 

2nd Lieutenant: Steve Roney

3rd Lieutenant: Mike Adams

4th Lieutenant: Nick Reinhart

Fire Police Captain: Robert "Doc" Orr


Social Officers:

President: Kim Hyde

Vice President: Rick Meyer

Treasurer: Mark Schultz 

Secretary: Crystal Meyer


Relief Association

President: Kim Hyde

Vice President: Rick Meyer

Treasurer: Mark Schultz 

Secretary: Crystal Meyer


2023 Incident Statistics

Month Fire EMS Total
JAN  12  83   95 
FEB  11  63   74 
MAR  16  74    90  
APR  22  79   101 
MAY  14  76   90
JUN  15  75   90
JUL  37 69 106
AUG  28  76   104 
SEP  28  91  119
OCT  31  62  93
NOV  23 73 96
TOTAL 237  821 1058





Our Address:
A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Co.
37 Walnut St.
Girard, PA, USA 16417
Contact Us:
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency Dispatch: (814)-868-7911
Non-Emergency Station: (814)-774-8218

Incident History

Total Incidents:
2023: 1113
2022: 1143
2021: 1006
2020: 927

2019: 960
2018: 916
2017: 920
2016: 853

Website Information

A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Co. website was created by Dobler Hose Members and is maintained by members and staff of the A.F. Dobler Hose & Ladder Co. All website based support should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions!